Monday, October 09, 2006

Lost Hobbit

At work we have started an unofficial, just for fun art challenge where we all do a piece based on a common theme. Last week's theme was the TV show Lost, which I have never seen. So naturally I chose the hobbit. Maybe I will take this and change him back into a hobbit and add this to my collection of Lord of the Rings fan art. Anyway, they are big into caricature here at work so I have been attempting to get better at that. And you can check out what everyone else at work did over on the Avalanche blog.


  1. Great skintones! I need to pay better attention to how skin works.

  2. Awesome job Dave! Spot-on likeness! I agree with Sam, the skintones are amazing.

  3. Your stuff is really nice. I'm definitely gonna check in again!

  4. Anonymous11.10.06

    Totally him. And as I am addicted to Lost, that makes it even funnier--he is a druggy on there, a little crazy, always hiding something. Not the little innocent hobbit at all!

  5. great caricature paintingS!

  6. Super stuff !! He does have a big nose doesn't he,at first in Lord of the Rings I thought it might have been a prosthetic !

  7. Anonymous1.6.07

    Grate drawing! We also start an unofficial drawing-challenge with weekly themes. I should remeber this for our work ;) If you wold have a look - www.chicks'n' - I would be glad if you allow me to link your side on mine. Greetings

  8. Hi Dave , im impressive for your art.
    .Im a Lost fan , and i have to say you , that your work is amazing , i hope get back soon ove here

    congratulations Dave!
